Attendance at Mercer's Wood Academy is vitally important for your child’s development.
We aim for a minimum of 95% attendance for each child and some even manage 100% over their time with us! However, we understand that it can be difficult at times to ensure your child is in school and on time every day.
We have a dedicated team who are always here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us if we can support in any way.
Reporting a Pupil Absent
If your child is absent from school, please inform the school office by either visiting in person, telephoning or by leaving a message via the school messaging service for reporting absences.
Contact: 01427 612572
Absences must be reported each day the child is absent from school. If you state that your child is unwell as a reason for their absence, the school office may contact you for further information.
If your child is absent from school, please inform the school office by either visiting in person, telephoning or by leaving a message via the school messaging service for reporting absences.
Contact: 01427 612572
Absences must be reported each day the child is absent from school. If you state that your child is unwell as a reason for their absence, the school office may contact you for further information.
Tall Oaks Academy Trust Attendance Home Visit Policy
Tall Oaks Academy Trust Attendance Policy
Tall Oaks Academy Trust guide to good attendance
School Attendance & Absence (.gov link)
Working Together to Improve School Attendance
Supporting you to understand new attendance rules
Attendance Myth Buster
Our Vlogs:
Babs explains our Attendance procedures.mp4
Babs explains Authorised & unauthorised absences.mp4
Babs explains Penalty Notices.mp4
Requests for Absence During Term Time
The Government Regulations changed in September 2013 which meant that educational establishments could no longer authorise absence for holidays. However, you can request an absence for exceptional circumstances.
If you do need to make a request to take your child out of school during term time for exceptional circumstances, please visit the school office and collect the relevant form.
Please note: Tall Oaks Academy Trust retains powers to fine parents who take their child out of school without permission in conjunction with the Local Authority. Annual family holidays are NOT considered exceptional circumstances.
Please note: Family holidays will not be authorised unless classes as an exceptional circumstance. If the period of absence meets the threshold for a penalty notice to be issued we will request that Lincolnshire County Council issue this. Schools do not receive any payments from these notices.
Medical Appointments
If your child has a medical appointment, you will need to complete a Request for Absence due to Medical Appointment form prior to the appointment. Please also provide any supporting evidence such as an appointment letter, reminder text etc when returning the form to the office.
Early Collection
If you need to collect your child before the school day has ended - we require a Request for Early Collection form is completed prior to collecting your child.
You will also be asked to sign your child out of school for safety purposes.
If children become unwell or have an accident needing professional medical attention at school you will be contacted directly. It is therefore important that contact telephone numbers are kept up to date and we are informed of any changes. (Changes can be made at the school office.)
If we are unable to contact you or any of the emergency contacts you have provided, and the school deem it necessary, your child may be taken directly to hospital.
If we are unable to contact you or any of the emergency contacts you have provided, and the school deem it necessary, your child may be taken directly to hospital.
If your child becomes ill and you are unsure if they should attend please contact the school office for further guidance.
Vomiting & Diarrhoea
If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea they must remain at home for 48 hours after the last bout of illness. After this period your child can return to school. You will need to report your child absent during this time (please see our Absence page).
Vomiting & Diarrhoea
If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea they must remain at home for 48 hours after the last bout of illness. After this period your child can return to school. You will need to report your child absent during this time (please see our Absence page).
If your child has been prescribed or is using over-the-counter medicines during the school day, we require you to come into school to complete an administration of medications form. School will be unable to administer any medication prior to one of these forms being completed.
Children should not have any form of medication including cough sweets, creams etc on their person without prior agreement from school.
Head lice
It is perfectly normal that during your child's school life they will get headlice. If school informs you that your child has head lice please ensure they have been treated as soon as possible. Whilst your child is being treated, they are still required to attend. Please inform school of the need to treat your child, this will also allow us to inform other parents enabling them to check and treat their children if necessary.
Prevention by regular wet combing once a week is recommended. If head lice are present, treatment and daily wet combing is recommended for 2 weeks.
It is perfectly normal that during your child's school life they will get headlice. If school informs you that your child has head lice please ensure they have been treated as soon as possible. Whilst your child is being treated, they are still required to attend. Please inform school of the need to treat your child, this will also allow us to inform other parents enabling them to check and treat their children if necessary.
Prevention by regular wet combing once a week is recommended. If head lice are present, treatment and daily wet combing is recommended for 2 weeks.